
Uprzejmie informujemy, że Fundacja Southern Connect będzie promować ofertę polskich przedsiębiorstw na stanowisku wystawienniczym podczas PowerElec Expo połączonego z Construct Ghana 2017 – targami gospodarczymi sektora energetyki oraz konstrukcji organizowanymi pod patronatem Ministerstwa Handlu i Przemysłu Ghany.


• umieszczenie informacji na stronie A4 katalogu prezentowanego podczas wydarzenia
• 60 min konferencji Skype z przedstawicielem Fundacji w celu szkolenia dotyczącego oferty przedsiębiorstwa
• zbieranie informacji dotyczących potencjalnych partnerów oraz przedsiębiorstw konkurencyjnych obecnych podczas wydarzenia
• krótkie sprawozdanie z wydarzenia wraz z dokumentacją fotograficzną potwierdzającą wykonanie powierzonej usługi


• oferta pakietu podstawowego
• wystawienie osobnych materiałów promocyjnych/katalogów/produktów/innych materiałów promocyjnych

Dodatkowo firmy zainteresowane wynajęciem powierzchni wystawienniczej podczas PowerElec Expo lub Construct Ghana, za pośrednictwem Fundacji Southern Connect mogą otrzymać 25% rabatu. Osoby zainteresowane samą obecnością podczas wydarzenia oraz udziałem w spotkaniach B2B zapraszamy do kontaktu w celu uzgodnienia indywidualnej oferty.




tel.: +233556603713
whatsapp: +48694610159l


Maciej Ciurlik | 9 May 2017




Ul. Św. Wincentego 6/9
61-003 Poznań






Southern Connect

Currently, many states of the African continent are in the process of significant economic growth that could lead to groundbreaking changes in the position of this part of the world when it comes to international power relations. Unfortunately, not enough is being spoken about this process in Poland and not enough is being done to improve relations with this continent. It is our mission to reverse the concept of a „basketcase” Africa, plagued by poverty and despair. We focus, instead, on promoting and contributing to the continent’s huge potential for development. The economic situation of many African countries nowadays is often compared to Poland’s economic transition in the nineties. Polish entrepreneurs who went through the period of transformation have a lot to offer to partners from this part of the world, not only in commercial terms but also when it comes to sharing their unique experience.

We are conscious that this great potential lies not only in an economic but also in a cultural exchange. We believe that in order for a significant shift in Polish-African relations to occur, there must first be a change in perception of this continent. For this reason our work focuses not only on business activities, but we are also eager to participate in and create projects which aim to positively change the way this part of the world is perceived.

Aleksandra Ndah

Founder and President of the Board

A graduate of African Studies and Development Studies at the University of London and a photographer. Her experience stems from continuous cooperation with both non-governmental and business institutions, including  coordination of the Economic Mission of Polish entrepreneurs and members of parliament to Ethiopia. Spent 2 years in Ghana where she represented Polish companies and supported non-governmental organisations.

Dr Nagmeldin Karamalla-Gaiballa

Chairman of the Committee

Sudanese poet, translator, writer and business analyst. Member of the Advocacy Committee of the African Community in Poland. Obtained his PhD in Political Science and Government from the Institute of Political Science and European Studies, University of Szczecin, Poland. He received his Master degree in Economics (Finance & Banking) in 1995 from Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland. His specialty and interests are in the area of development, resource economics and policy. He has published many papers in the field of political science and regional conflicts in Sudan.

Richard Ndah

Vice-Chairman of the Committee

Nigerian entrepreneur and activist. His main field of experience includes the export and import of food products. Currently working closely with Nigerian extraction mines, farmers, food processing plants and furniture importers facilitating trade exchange between Nigeria and European Union countries. He’s also the founder of the Functional Youth Alliance – an organization that aims to get troubled youths involved in social work.

Wojciech Luchowski

Member of the Committee

Art historian, museum exhibit designer and curator of Castle Cultural Centre in Poznań. Engaged inter alia in cooperation with the exhibition „We are all migrants” at the Ethnographic Museum in Toruń and with the organisation of the EthnoPort Festival in Poznań.




Ul. Św. Wincentego 6/9
61-003 Poznań






Southern Connect

Currently, many states of the African continent are in the process of significant economic growth that could lead to groundbreaking changes in the position of this part of the world when it comes to international power relations. Unfortunately, not enough is being spoken about this process in Poland and not enough is being done to improve relations with this continent. It is our mission to reverse the concept of a „basketcase” Africa, plagued by poverty and despair. We focus, instead, on promoting and contributing to the continent’s huge potential for development. The economic situation of many African countries nowadays is often compared to Poland’s economic transition in the nineties. Polish entrepreneurs who went through the period of transformation have a lot to offer to partners from this part of the world, not only in commercial terms but also when it comes to sharing their unique experience.

We are conscious that this great potential lies not only in an economic but also in a cultural exchange. We believe that in order for a significant shift in Polish-African relations to occur, there must first be a change in perception of this continent. For this reason our work focuses not only on business activities, but we are also eager to participate in and create projects which aim to positively change the way this part of the world is perceived.

Aleksandra Ndah

Founder and President of the Board

A graduate of African Studies and Development Studies at the University of London and a photographer. Her experience stems from continuous cooperation with both non-governmental and business institutions, including  coordination of the Economic Mission of Polish entrepreneurs and members of parliament to Ethiopia. Spent 2 years in Ghana where she represented Polish companies and supported non-governmental organisations.

Dr Nagmeldin Karamalla-Gaiballa

Chairman of the Committee

Sudanese poet, translator, writer and business analyst. Member of the Advocacy Committee of the African Community in Poland. Obtained his PhD in Political Science and Government from the Institute of Political Science and European Studies, University of Szczecin, Poland. He received his Master degree in Economics (Finance & Banking) in 1995 from Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland. His specialty and interests are in the area of development, resource economics and policy. He has published many papers in the field of political science and regional conflicts in Sudan.

Richard Ndah

Vice-Chairman of the Committee

Nigerian entrepreneur and activist. His main field of experience includes the export and import of food products. Currently working closely with Nigerian extraction mines, farmers, food processing plants and furniture importers facilitating trade exchange between Nigeria and European Union countries. He’s also the founder of the Functional Youth Alliance – an organization that aims to get troubled youths involved in social work.

Wojciech Luchowski

Member of the Committee

Art historian, museum exhibit designer and curator of Castle Cultural Centre in Poznań. Engaged inter alia in cooperation with the exhibition „We are all migrants” at the Ethnographic Museum in Toruń and with the organisation of the EthnoPort Festival in Poznań.

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